Money Matters Refer a friend to CurrencyFair for a referral reward each! Dec 02, 2024 Do you have a friend that sends money back home? A co-worker that gets their salary sent from overseas? Help spread the word about CurrencyFair's... Read More
Google How Google changed its performance reviews to waste less time The news that Google has changed the way performance reviews are conducted might be a small shift... Jun 20, 2022
Money Matters, refer a friend, Promotions Refer a friend to CurrencyFair for a referral reward each! Dec 02, 2024 Do you have a friend that sends money back home? A co-worker that gets their salary sent from overseas? Help spread the word about CurrencyFair's...
Money Transfers, Life Abroad How to find your unique transaction reference (UTR) number Mar 31, 2023 Whenever you're sending money to India from overseas, or transferring funds between two banks in India, you'll be given a unique transaction...