Donate to an Australian charity, and we’ll donate too

Written by CurrencyFair | Jan 24, 2020

Australia Day falls on Sunday the 26th of January - but not everyone will be celebrating this year.

The bushfires have taken a massive toll on Australia. At least 30 people have been killed in the bushfires, over 2,000 homes have been destroyed, and an estimated 10 million hectares of land has been left smouldering. The WWF estimates that approximately 1.25 billion animals have been killed, with many more being left injured.

Alongside our internal fundraising initiative for the Australian Red Cross, we would like to facilitate our customers in making a donation of their own to one of the following charities:

  • Australian Red Cross

  • Saint Vincent de Paul Society Australia

  • WIRES Wildlife Rescue

When you make a donation to one of the above charities via CurrencyFair before February 26th 2020, we will donate the transfer fee of $4 AUD (or currency equivalent) to the charity of your choice.

“The crisis has been ongoing for several months, and many lives and homes have been lost. The fires have also had a massive impact on Australia’s wildlife and their habitats. We’d like to assist the vital work done by these charities by donating the fee we typically charge when someone makes a transfer to one of these causes,” says Paul Byrne, CEO of CurrencyFair.

“We have tens of thousands of customers in Australia, and a large number of our customers also have loved ones living there.

“We’ve been deeply saddened to hear of the impact the bushfires have had on the people of Australia, the wildlife, and the environment. We would like to extend our deepest sympathies to everybody who has been affected,” he concludes.


Donating is easy - simply log in or register for an account on our website or on our app (Google Play or App Store) and set up a transaction to your selected charity.


To learn more about the vital work these charities do, you can visit their websites:


Bank details for donation:

AC NAME Australian Red Cross Donations Account NSW Wildlife Information Rescue and Education Service Inc (WIRES) St Vincent de Paul Society National
BANK NAME Commonwealth Bank of Australia Commonwealth Bank of Australia Bank Commonwealth Bank of Australia
BSB NO 063-000 062-170 062-000
AC NO 12981023 10017540 10550483