6 things only a French expat will miss abroad

Written by CurrencyFair | Sep 17, 2019

Many French people decide to move abroad to enhance their career, gain new experiences, or to start afresh in a foreign land. This can be an exciting time in life, but it’s not long before the homesickness kicks in. These are some of the things you might be missing as a French person living abroad:

Food, Food, Food

Le pain, le fromage, les patisseries… France is so food-centric that it occupies conversations, and even structures the day. It’s not very surprising given that everything is made fresh, and tastes so delicious. While daydreaming of home, you might reminisce over the daily stroll to buy bread or making small talk with your local cheesemonger. These food vendors know and love their craft like anywhere else in the world, making it a part of French life which is commonly missed.

Relaxed Lifestyle

Life moves a little more slowly in France. Sitting out in the sun, enjoying a coffee isn’t a treat - it’s a part of everyday life. The French work to live, and moving elsewhere in the world can pressure expats from here to forget their relaxed legacy. Qu’est sera, sera…

Good Wine

We love our wine. Some might say too much...But once you have gotten used to the taste of French wine, it’s difficult to go back. With endless regions, varieties and producers, there’s a delectable French wine out there for everyone that they will surely miss during their time away – as well as the normality of drinking it every night with dinner.

The Language

They say French is the language of love, and that wouldn’t be wrong! While learning a new culture and language is one of the most exciting parts about settling in a different country, life just isn’t the same without hearing « bonjour » and « ça va » every day. It’s all in the soft accent and intonation. Although the French language is music to most peoples’ ears, this applies especially to les francophones who now reside in another part of the world.



In France, there is an unspoken agreement that you leave the house dressed to meet anyone – be they friends, colleagues or in-laws! Paris is one of the fashion capitals of the world, and the French make an effort every day to lead by example. The same passions are not replicated in other parts of the world unfortunately, and your new expat friends may not understand the importance of a four- or five-figure handbag!

The Variety of Landscapes

Whether you’re looking for a snow-topped mountain, vast pine-cone forests, lavender fields or a rugged coastline, France seems to have it all. After migrating, French expats soon realise what a beautiful variety they had at their fingertips. Never far from a breathtaking horizon or an outdoors adventure, this is one element of France which can be very difficult to leave behind.